Family and Friends

There are movies that talk about friendships; my personal favorite is ‘Sex and the City’.  The reason is that, in the show, the four women go through individual jobs, men, experiences, etc. and through it all, they still have each other.  I feel that way about my family and friends.  I am lucky to have five siblings, three of which I am in contact with often.  And I have about six friends who I’ve known for up to 40+ years.  There have been times when our lives have led us in different direction (kids, marriages, different cities, etc.), but when we need each other, we are there.

In the last several years my personal situation has been less than stable. During this time each one of my family members and friends has come through for me in some way or other. Although they know that I am not comfortable in the ‘needy’ role, they came through for me anyway.  Neither my family members nor my friends are like me. We all have different opinions on a lot of issues. We live in different areas but we still have each other, and this has gotten me through, even in bad economic times.

Each of us goes through our experiences individually. For example, nobody else knows how I feel when I wake up to another day without a job and feel my cynicism growing. As the day progresses and I hear from a friend or family member, I feel more secure and remember that I still have those people that I love, in my life. There are many varieties of tough times but for me family and friends have always gotten me through the tough cycles in my life.

L-R My mom (God rest her soul), myself, my sisters Jacque & Chrissy in Costa Rica.

L-R My mom (God rest her soul), myself, my sisters Jacque & Chrissy in Costa Rica.

Morale vs Morals

One thing I have learned, in my later age, is to appreciate things that give me and other people good morale.  There are groups of people and individuals that live to judge others based on their own ideas of morals, under the names of social mores and religion. I think judging others is an excuse to feel superior on their part. I’ve experienced  a lot more of this in the past decade than ever before.

With technology being so much more widespread, ie. In just 15 years everyone has a phone, most cars have GPS, everyone has a computer, etc. It is easier to gossip, judge and spy on people.  With the spread of technology, I haven’t seen or read any better news, jobs or better economics for the average person but there are just more devices on which to receive this  information. 

In this period of time my economics have been worse, so I’ve had to rely on my experiences that increase my morale such as getting into the wilderness, hiking and traveling.  During bad times, a lot of people turn to religion to make themselves feel better.  I have found that some of these religious groups seem to focus more on morals and judgment than on spending their energy increasing someone’s morale.  What makes me feel better is smaller actions from people that actively practice increasing other people’s morale.  I am fortunate to understand what I can do to foster good morale. For example, I have been able to incorporate good morale into my marketing jobs by offering  customer promotions and positive employee incentives. I am sensitive enough to be grateful that l have had the opportunity to practice some good karma in this area.

Appreciating Human, Animal and Plant Nature

Isn’t it amazing how our focus changes as we get older?  I used to be more concerned about my career, meeting the right guy, etc.  Some of these things have come true and some haven’t.  I don’t know if it’s because I’ve had more time the last few years to do things like hiking, walking and climbing a mountain, but I appreciate nature in all its forms more now than ever.  Maybe it’s even because it affects everyone that there are more cell sites (for phones) and satellites (for GPS) now that everyone has these.  I don’t think most people even realize how much this has affected their own life, let alone all of nature.  So I focus more on the real nature of people, animals and plants now, because it will probably never be back the way it was before all this technology.

I know that when I see a tree blooming, flowers blooming, even a person who does something really good, I feel it deeper, since the technology has made things more superficial for the generations  growing up, in the last fifteen years.  (Fifteen years ago very few people had a cell phone).  I was out of work for a few years and spent a lot of time with my sister’s dog.  When I was younger, I wouldn’t have given him much attention.  But now that I’m older, we became friends.  You can actually feel the nature of an animal.  Animals are smart.  Sometimes when I’m feeling down, I’ll be walking along and talk to a cat, it just knows it makes me feel better.  I was walking the other day and my eye hurt.  A neighbor came by with his dogs and they went right up to my eye and started licking it; they had never even come that close to me before. It’s so cool if you take the time to notice their nature.  They talk about this in the Celestine Prophecy, about how you are closer to God when you give focus to nature.  I’ve learned human nature even better since I’ve been through some deep up and down cycles.  I’m even more sensitive now to those I love.

Hiking with Jesus Sanchez in Utah

Hiking with Jesus Sanchez in Utah

Another one of my favorite books that taught me to appreciate nature is “Wherever You Go There You Are” . This is another book that taught me to make the most of my situation at the time. When I read that book I had moved from New York City to San Diego. The man I moved out here with thought there was nothing happening in this smaller city. I thought that the natural beauty was perfect for me. I began to walk on the beautiful harbor in the morning before work, walk along the beach on weekends and I didn’t miss the big city life at all. I was grateful for the natural beauty where I was.

Life is Cyclical

I have had some tough years this past decade.  I’ve had tough economic times before but this time it has lasted longer; financial stability effects every situation in your life. What I realized when I sat down to write a friend recently is that I have also had a lot of good fortune in my life. Life is Cyclical. In the past I’ve had some jobs that allowed me to travel a lot, to live in cities I wouldn’t normally have lived in, and to be very independent in my work and in my life.  At times this past decade I’ve wondered “Have I used up all my good luck?”  Have I had the best of relationships behind me?  And have I had the best of jobs behind me?

The responses from my friends were of their past tough economic times which I didn’t remember because I was in the midst of my own good years, at that time. It made me realize that they had each gone through what I am now going through, just at an earlier time. One of my friends, after experiencing a serious head injury, had over 10 years of job insecurity following the accident. Another friend from college, after having worked for an attorney for 10 years, had to work at a much lower income level and had to move home to her parent’s house for several years. These were very difficult and insecure years for my friends. Both of their lives turned around after that and their economic situation improved and stabilized, once again demonstrating that life is cyclical.

I also have come out of tough economic times before.  For example, I wanted to come to the beach for my birthday and because of an offer from my brother, here I am.  This trip also included a writing opportunity which I hadn’t expected. When good things like these happen, it turns the fear and cynicism into a positive mental experience, and I realize that I have not used up all of my good fortune.  It is a start in the right direction and once again I remember that life and fortune are cyclical.

With my brother Mike at Bryce National Park, Utah

With my brother Mike at Bryce National Park, Utah